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Installation Guide for Version 8 of
Icon on UNIX Systems*
Ralph E. Griswold
TR 90-2f
January 1, 1990; last modified April 3, 1990
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
*This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant CCR-8901573.
Installation Guide for Version 8 of
Icon on UNIX Systems
Version 8 is the current version of Icon and replaces Version
7.5. Version 8 contains several new features and improvements to
the implementation [1]. Most changes to the language are upward
compatible with earlier versions of Icon. Icon programs may need
to be recompiled, however, when Version 8 is installed.
This report provides the information necessary to install Ver-
sion 8 of Icon on computers running UNIX. For other operating
systems, see [2]. The installation process for Version 8 is very
similar to that for Version 7.5.
The implementation of Icon is designed so that it can be
installed, largely automatically, on a variety of computers run-
ning different versions of UNIX. This is accomplished by provid-
ing configuration information that tailors the installation to
specific computers and versions of UNIX. Appendix A contains a
list of supported configurations.
These systems are referred to as ``supported'' in this report.
Some of these originated under earlier versions of Icon, and not
all of these have been tested yet under Version 8. The systems
marked with an asterisk have been tested under Version 7.5 or 8
and are referred to as ``tested'' in this report. Not all of
these have been tested under Version 8, so minor difficulties are
If your system is a tested one, the installation of Version 8
of Icon should be as simple as issuing a few make commands. If
your system is supported but untested, you may be able to install
it without modification, but if problems show up, you may have to
make minor modifications in configuration files. If your system
is not in this list, it may have been added since this report was
written. See Section 2.1 for information on how to get a current
list of configurations and their statuses. In some cases, there
may be partial configuration information. If the configuration
information for your system is partial or lacking altogether, you
still may be able to install Version 8 of Icon by providing the
information yourself, using other configurations are a guide. See
Section 3.
- 1 -
There are only a few steps needed to install Icon proper. In
addition to Icon itself, there are a number of optional com-
ponents that can be installed: a program library [3], a personal-
ized interpreter system [4], a variant translator system [5], and
a memory-monitoring system [6]. You may want to review the
technical reports describing these optional components before
beginning the installation. In any event, the installation of
optional components can be done separately after Icon itself is
There are Makefile entries for most steps. Those steps are
marked by asterisks. Steps that are optional are enclosed in
1. Decide where to unload Icon.
2. Unload the Icon hierarchy at the selected place.
[3.*] Check the status of the configuration for your sys-
4. Set up paths.
5.* Configure the source code for your system.
6.* Check the size of a header file; if it is not large
enough, adjust a configuration parameter and start
again at Step 5.
7.* Compile Icon.
8.* Install the compiled files.
9.* Run some simple tests to be sure Icon is working.
[10.*] Run a test suite.
[1.*] Compile the Icon program library
[2.*] Test the Icon program library
[3.] Copy the Icon program library to a public place.
[1.*] Build the Icon personalized interpreter system.
- 2 -
[2.*] Test the Icon personalized interpreter system.
[3.] Copy the personalized interpreter system to a public
[1.*] Test the Icon variant translator system.
[2.] Copy the variant translator system to a public place.
[1.*] Build the monitoring programs.
[2.*] Test the monitoring programs.
[1.*] Timing test programs.
[1.] Install documentation for the various components of
[2.*] Remove files that are no longer needed.
The default location for all files, including executable
binaries, is in the directory /usr/icon/v8. You can unload the
distribution in another area, or move the files later, but the
installation is easiest if the default location is used. If you
decide not to put Icon at the default location, read the discus-
sion at Step 4 before going on.
In the balance of this report, relative paths and the location
of files are given with respect to the location into which the
Icon hierarchy is unloaded. For example, a reference to make is
with respect to the Makefile at the top level of this hierarchy
(/usr/icon/v8/Makefile for the default location). Similarly,
config/unix corresponds to /usr/icon/v8/config/unix for the
default location.
The distribution consists of a hierarchy, which is rooted in
``.''. Icon is distributed in a variety of formats. It requires
about 4.5MB of disk space when unloaded.
The usual distribution medium is magnetic tape, although it is
- 3 -
also available on cartridges and diskettes.
Tapes: The Icon system is provided on tape in tar or cpio format,
recorded at 1600 or 6250 bpi. The format and recording density
are marked on the label on the tape.
To unload the tape, cd to the directory that is to hold the
Icon hierarchy (the default location is /usr/icon/v8 as mentioned
above) and mount the tape. The precise tar or cpio command to
unload the distribution tape depends on your local environment.
On a VAX running 4.nbsd, use the following command for a 1600 bpi
tar distribution tape:
tar x
Similarly, on a VAX running System V with a 6250 bpi cpio tape,
cpio -icdB </dev/rmt/0h
The c (compatibility) and B (blocked) options are essential.
Cartridges: Data cartridges are functionally equivalent to mag-
netic tapes, but they are not blocked. For example, on a Sun
Workstation with a cpio cartridge, cd to the directory that is to
hold the Icon hierarchy and use
cpio -icd </dev/rst0
Diskettes: Diskettes contain cpio files on diskettes in MS-DOS
format. Copy the *.cpi files on the diskettes to the directory
that is to hold the Icon hierarchy and use a script such as the
for i in *.cpi
cpio -icd <$i.cpi
After the distribution files are unloaded, the resulting
hierarchy should look like this:
- 4 -
|-bin------- executable binaries
|-bench----- benchmarks
|-calling------- Icon-C interfaces
|-config----|-unix------ UNIX configurations
|-docs documents
|-ipl------- program library
|-memmon---- memory monitor
|-pi-------- personalized interpreters
|-samples--- sample programs
| |-common---- common source
| |-h--------- header files
|-src-------|-icont----- icont source
| |-iconx----- iconx source
| |-memmon---- memory-monitoring source
|-tests----- test suite
|-vt-------- variant translator
In some cases there are subdirectories not shown above.
You may wish to check the status of the configuration for your
system. This can be done by
make Status name=name
where name is one of those given in the table in Appendix A. For
make Status name=vax_bsd
lists the status of the configuration for a VAX running BSD UNIX.
In many cases, the status information was provided by the per-
son who first installed Icon on the system in question. The
information may be old and possibly inaccurate; use it as a
guideline only.
There are some supported systems for which not all features of
Icon are implemented. If the status information shows this for
your system, proceed with the installation, but you may wish to
implement the missing features later. For this, see Section 3
- 5 -
after completing the basic installation.
If you unloaded Version 8 of Icon at the default location and
plan to leave executable binaries at their default locations,
skip this step. Otherwise, you need to change path specifica-
tions in your configuration directory.
There are three paths used in the installation of Icon that
are given by defined constants:
RootPath The root of the Icon hierarchy; used by scripts
that build personalized interpreters and variant
translators to locate Icon source code.
IcontPath The location of the Icon command-line processor,
IconxPath The location of the Icon run-time executor,
The default paths for most supported configurations are:
#define RootPath "/usr/icon/v8"
#define IcontPath "/usr/icon/v8/bin/icont"
#define IconxPath "/usr/icon/v8/bin/iconx"
They are slightly different for a few configurations that have
non-standard naming conventions.
The location of iconx is particularly important, since com-
piled Icon programs do not stand alone but must find iconx to
run. To make this easy, the path specified in IconxPath is
hardwired into compiled Icon programs. This means, however, that
the value of IconxPath, which must be set before Icon is com-
piled, is inherited by all subsequently compiled Icon programs.
If iconx is moved to another place, the hardwired path is invali-
There are ways around this, however. If the environment vari-
able ICONX is set, its value overrides the hardwired path. Furth-
ermore, if ICONX is not set and iconx is not found on the
hardwired path, the user's PATH environment variable is searched
for iconx. In fact, it is possible to configure Icon to disable
the use of hardwired paths. See Section 3 if you want to do
this. Nonetheless, it is advisable to chose an appropriate value
for IconxPath.
If you decide to change the default paths, you need to edit
the file paths.h in the configuration directory for your system.
The directory config/unix contains a subdirectory for each sup-
ported system. For example, config/unix/sun3 contains the confi-
guration information for the Sun-3 Workstation. To get to the
- 6 -
configuration information for your system,
cd config/unix/name
where name is the name of your system. For example, if you want
the Icon hierarchy in /usr/irving/v8 and have the binaries in
/usr/local/icon, edit paths.h to be
#define RootPath "/usr/irving/v8"
#define IcontPath "/usr/local/icon/icont"
#define IconxPath "/usr/local/icon/iconx"
Caution: If you are using a previous version of Icon and put
iconx where the previous version was, all user programs will have
to be recompiled, since iconx for Version 8 is incompatible with
earlier versions of iconx.
Configuring Icon creates a number of files for general use.
Before starting the configuration, be sure your umask is set so
that these files will be accessible.
To configure Icon for your system, do
make Configure name=name
where name is the name of your system as described above. For
make Configure name=vax_bsd
configures Version 8 of Icon for a VAX running BSD UNIX.
Translating and linking an Icon program with icont produces an
icode file, which can then be run. In order to make icode files
executable, a bootstrap header, iconx.hdr, is provided. The size
of iconx.hdr varies from system to system and is determined by
the defined constant MaxHdr, which is given in a configuration
file. If value of MaxHdr is not large enough, the compilation of
icont terminates with an error message. To be sure that MaxHdr is
large enough for your system, do
make Header
This compiles the header file and lists its size, followed by the
value of MaxHdr. For example, on a VAX BSD system, typical output
from this make is
- 7 -
cc -O -c ixhdr.c
cc -O -N ixhdr.o -o iconx.hdr
strip iconx.hdr
-rwxrwxr-x 1 icon 1912 Jan 10 18:32 iconx.hdr
#define MaxHdr 1950
The last two lines are what are important. In this example,
MaxHdr is 1500 and the size of the header file is 1492 - that is,
MaxHdr is large enough.
If you find MaxHdr is not large enough for your system, edit
config/unix/name/define.h and change the value of MaxHdr there to
an appropriate value (where name is the name of your system as
given above). It is advisable to leave a little spare room; some
systems even require the value of MaxHdr to be rounded up. Don't
worry about that at this point, but if icode files fail to exe-
cute, come back to this step and increase MaxHdr.
If you change MaxHdr, you must go back and start over with
Step 5.
Next, compile Icon by
make Icon
This takes a while. There may be warning messages on some sys-
tems, but there should be no fatal errors.
To install Icon, do
make Install
Among other things, this copies icont and iconx to the locations
specified in IcontPath and IconxPath, respectively.
For supported systems that compile and install without
apparent difficulty, a few simple tests usually are sufficient to
confirm that Icon is running properly. The following does the
make Samples
This test compares local program output with the expected output.
There should be no differences. If there are none, you presum-
ably have a running Version 8 Icon.
Note: If Icon fails to run at all, this may be because there
is not enough ``static'' space for it to start up. If this
- 8 -
happens, check define.h in your configuration directory. If it
contains a definition for MaxStatSize, try doubling it, and start
over with Step 5. If define.h does not contain a definition for
MaxStatSize, add one such as
#define MaxStatSize 20480
and go back to Step 5. If this solves the problem, you may wish
to reduce MaxStatSize to a smaller value that works in order to
conserve memory. If this does not solve the problem, try increas-
ing MaxStatSize even more (it is unlikely that much larger values
will help).
If you want to runs more extensive tests, do
make Test-all
This takes quite a while and does a lot of work. Some differences
are to be expected, since tests include date, time, and local
host information. There also may be insignificant differences in
the format of floating-point numbers and the order of random
numbers. In addition to Test-all there are some individual tests
of optional features. See the main Makefile for more information
about the tests.
The Icon program library contains a variety of programs and
procedures. This library not only is useful in its own right,
but it provides numerous examples of programming techniques which
may be helpful to novice Icon programmers. While this library is
not necessary for running Icon programs, most sites install it.
In addition to the library proper, the directory ipl/idol con-
tains an object-oriented version of Icon written in Icon. Go to
that directory for more information.
To build the Icon program library, do
make Ipl
This puts compiled programs in ipl/icode and translated pro-
cedures in ipl/ucode.
To test the library, do
make Test-ipl
- 9 -
No differences should show.
You can copy the executable programs in ipl/icode and the
translated procedures in ipl/ucode to public locations to make
them more accessible, although they can be used from any location
that is readable by the user.
The personalized interpreter system allows an individual to
build a private copy of Icon's run-time system, which then can be
Personalized interpreters are somewhat specialized and the
typical Icon programmer has no need for them. However, if your
site has a need for tailored versions of Icon, this system may be
To build the personalized interpreter system, do
make PI
For testing, do
make Test-pi
There may be some warning messages during compilation, but there
should be no fatal errors.
Personalized interpreter directories are constructed by the
shell script icon_pi. You therefore may wish to place it in a
public location:
cp icon_pi location
The variant translator system facilitates the construction of
preprocessors for variants of the Icon programming language.
This facility is even more specialized than the personalized
interpreter system, but some forthcoming tools related to measur-
ing the performance and behavior of Icon programs may use the
variant translator system.
- 10 -
The variant translator system requires a version of yacc(1)
with large regions. You may have to tailor your version of
yacc(1) for this. See [5]. On systems with a limited amount of
memory, this may not work at all. If there is a problem, it will
show up during testing.
There is no separate step for building the variant translator
system. However, Icon must be installed before testing the vari-
ant translator system.
For testing, do
make Test-vt
There may be warning messages during compilation, but there
should be no fatal errors.
To put icon_vt, the shell script that builds variant transla-
tor directories into a public place, do
cp icon_vt location
To build the memory-monitoring programs, do
make MemMon
For testing, do
make Test-memmon
There will be differences in date lines and in some monitoring
data because of different memory locations, but there should not
be extensive differences.
Test programs are provided for benchmarking Version 8 of Icon.
To perform the benchmarks, go to the subdirectory bench and do
make benchmark
See also the other material in that subdirectory. It contains a
- 11 -
form that you can use to record your benchmarks with the Icon
Project (see Section 4).
After Icon and any optional components have be installed, you
may wish to install the appropriate manual pages in the standard
location on your system. The manual pages are in the docs direc-
icont.1 manual page for Icon proper
icon_pi.1 manual page for the Icon personalized interpreter system
icon_vt.1 manual page for the Icon variant translator system
memmon.1 manual page for using the Icon memory-monitoring system
memmon.5 manual page for memory-monitoring data
The docs directory also contains machine-readable copiesHof
technical reports related to Version 8 of Icon.
You can remove object files and test results by
make Clean
You also can remove source files, but think twice about this,
since source files may be useful to persons using personalized
interpreters and variant translators. In addition, you can
remove files related to optional components of the Icon system
that you do not need. If you are tight on space, you may wish to
remove documents as well.
Version 8 of Icon assumes that C ints are 16, 32, or 64 bits
long. If your system violates this assumption, don't try to go
on - but check back with us, since we are may be able to provide
some advice on how to proceed.
There are 13 steps in installing Icon for a new system:
1.* Build a configuration directory.
2. Edit a configuration file to provide appropriate
definitions for your system.
3. Edit Makefile headers.
- 12 -
4.* Perform the installation as described in Section 2.
5.* Perform extensive testing.
[6.] Possibly provide assembly-language code for integer
overflow checking.
[7.] Implement and test co-expressions.
[8.] Install the personalized interpreter system.
[9.] Test the variant translator system.
[10.] Install and test the memory-monitoring system.
[11.] Run benchmarks.
12. Provide status information in your configuration
13. Send the contents of your configuration directory to
the Icon Project.
First select a name for your system. For compatibility with
tools used at the Icon Project, the name should be in lowercase
and consist of a mnemonic for the computer, which may be followed
by an underscore and a mnemonic for the operating system, if
there is more than one operating system for the computer. Exam-
ples are vax_bsd and vax_sysv.
To build and initialize a new configuration directory,
make System name=name
where name is the name of your system.
As a result, the subdirectory name will contain the following
define.h main configuration file
paths.h paths
icont.hdr flags for the icont, common, and memmon Makefiles
iconx.hdr flags and other definitions for the iconx Makefile
pi.hdr flags for the personalized-interpreter Makefile
vt.hdr flags for the variant-translator Makefile
rswitch.c co-expression context switch
Ranlib library randomizer for personalized interpreters
Alternatively, if there is a supported configuration for a
system than is similar to yours, you may wish to copy the files
from that configuration.
- 13 -
To work on your configuration files,
cd config/unix/name
There are many defined constants in the source code for Icon
that vary from system to system. Default values are provided for
most of these so that the usual cases are handled automatically.
The file define.h contains C preprocessor definitions for parame-
ters that differ from the defaults or that must be provided on an
individual basis. The initial contents of this file as produced
in Step 1 above are for a ``vanilla'' system with the commonest
values for parameters. If your system closely approximates a
``vanilla'' system, you will have few changes to make to
define.h. Over the range of possible systems, there are many pos-
sibilities as described below.
The definitions are grouped into categories so that any neces-
sary changes to define.h can be approached in a logical way.
ANSI Standard C: Icon preprocessor directives use string concate-
nation and substitution of arguments within quotation marks. By
default, the ``old-fashioned'', ad hoc method of accomplishing
this in UNIX preprocessors is used. A different method is speci-
fied in the ANSI C draft standard [7]. The ANSI C draft standard
also uses void * in place of the older char * for pointers to
``generic storage''.
If your C compiler supports the ANSI C draft standard, add
#define Standard
to define.h.
Alternatively, you can define StandardPP or StandardC if your
preprocessor is standard but your compiler isn't, or vice versa.
C sizing and alignment: There are four constants that relate to
the size of C data and alignment:
IntBits (default: 32)
WordBits (default: 32)
Double (default: undefined)
IntBits is the number of bits in a C int. It may be 16, 32, or
64. WordBits is the number of bits in a C long (Icon's ``word'').
It may be 32 or 64. If your C library expects doubles to be
aligned at double-word boundaries, add
#define Double
to define.h.
- 14 -
Most computers have downward-growing C stacks, for which stack
addresses decrease as values are pushed. If you have an upward-
growing stack, for which stack addresses increase as values are
pushed, add
#define UpStack
to define.h.
The alignment, in words, of stacks used by co-expressions is
controlled by
StackAlign (default: 2)
If your system needs a different alignment, provide an appropri-
ate definition in define.h.
Floating-point arithmetic: There are three optional definitions
related to floating-point arithmetic:
Big (default: 9007199254740092.)
LogHuge (default: 309)
Precision (default: 10)
The values of Big, LogHuge, and Precision give, respectively, the
largest floating-point number that does not lose precision, the
maximum base-10 exponent + 1 of a floating-point number, and the
number of digits provided in the string representation of a
floating-point number. If the default values given above do not
suit the floating-point arithmetic on your system, add appropri-
ate definitions to define.h.
Include file location: The location of the include file time.h
varies from system to system. Its default location is <time.h>.
If it resides at a different location on your system (such as
<sys/time.h>), add an appropriate definition of SysTime to
define.h, as in
#define SysTime <sys/time.h>
If the location is incorrect, a fatal error will occur during the
compilation of src/common/time.c.
The use of this definition also depends on your C preprocessor
making macro substitutions in #include directives. Most prepro-
cessors do, but if yours does not, edit src/common/time.c and
replace SysTime there by the appropriate value. If you have to do
this, make a note to come back later and place the definition
under the control of conditional compilation as described in Step
Run-time routines: The support for some run-time routines varies
from system to system. The related constants are:
- 15 -
IconGcvt (default: undefined)
IconQsort (default: undefined)
index (default: undefined)
rindex (default: undefined)
If IconGcvt and IconQsort are defined, versions of gcvt(3) and
qsort(3) in the Icon system are used in place of the routines
normally provided in the C run-time system. These constants only
need to be defined if the versions of these routines in your
run-time system are defective or missing.
Different versions of UNIX use different names for the rou-
tines for locating substrings within strings. The source code for
Icon uses index and rindex. The other possibilities are strchr
and strrchr. If your system uses the latter names, add
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
to define.h.
Host identification: The identification of the host computer as
given by the Icon keyword &host needs to be specified in
define.h. The definition
#define HostStr "unknown host"
is provided in define.h initially. This definition should be
changed to an appropriate value for your system.
Alternatively, some systems provide direct mechanisms for
specifying the host in a standard way. In this case, remove the
definition of HostStr and provide an alternative as follows:
On some versions of UNIX, notably Version 7 and 4.1bsd, the
file /usr/include/whoami.h contains the host name. If your system
has this file and you want to use this name, add
#define WhoHost
to define.h.
Some versions of UNIX, notably 4.2bsd and 4.3bsd, provide the
host name via the gethostname(2) system call. If your system sup-
ports this system call and you want to use this name, add
#define GetHost
to define.h.
Some versions of UNIX, such as System V, provide the host name
via the uname(2) system call. If your system supports this call
and you want to use this name, add
- 16 -
#define UtsName
to define.h.
Note: Only one of these methods of specifying the host name
can be used.
Hardwired paths: As mentioned in Section 2.1, a hardwired path
normally is used for finding iconx. This feature can be removed
by adding
#define NoFixedPaths
to define.h.
Storage management: Icon includes its own versions of malloc(3),
calloc(3), realloc(3), and free(3) so that it can manage its
storage region without interference from allocation by the
operating system. Normally, Icon's versions of these routines are
loaded instead of the system library routines.
Leave things are they are in the initial configuration, but if
your system insists on loading its own library routines, multiple
definitions will occur as a result of the ld in src/iconx. If
multiple definitions occur, go back and add
#define IconAlloc
to define.h. This definition causes Icon's routines to be named
differently to avoid collision with the system routine names.
One possible effect of this definition is to interfere with
Icon's expansion of its memory region in case the initial values
for allocated storage are not large enough to accommodate a pro-
gram that produces a lot of data. This problem appears in the
form of run-time errors 305-307. Users can get around this prob-
lem on a case-by-case basis by increasing the initial values for
allocated storage by setting environment variables [8].
Icon's dynamic storage allocation system uses three contiguous
memory regions that it expands if necessary. This method relies
on the use of brk(2) and sbrk(2) and the system treatment of user
memory space as one logically contiguous region. This may not
work on some systems that treat memory as segmented or do not
support brk() and sbrk(). On such systems, it may be necessary to
#define FixedRegions
to define.h. The effect of this definition is to assign fixed-
sized regions for Icon's use. These regions may not be shared or
expanded and all of available memory may not be used. This option
should be used only if necessary.
- 17 -
The bootstrap header: As described In Section 2.1, Step 6, a
bootstrap header is used to make icode files executable. The
space reserved for the header is determined by
#define MaxHdr (default: 4096)
On some systems, many routines may be included in the header
even if they are not needed. Start by assuming this is not a
problem, but if MaxHeader has to be made impractically large, you
can eliminate the header by adding
#define NoHeader
to define.h. Note: If NoHeader is defined, the value of MaxHdr
is irrelevant.
The effect of this definition is to render Icon programs non-
executable. Instead, they must be run by using the -x option
after the program name when icont is used, as in
icont prog.icn -x
Such a program also can be run as an argument of iconx, as in
iconx prog
where prog is the result of translating and linking prog.icn as
in the previous example.
Storage regions: The sizes of Icon's run-time storage regions for
allocated blocks and strings normally are the same for all imple-
mentations. However, different values can be set:
MaxStatSize (default: 20480 if co-expressions are enabled, else 1024)
MaxAbrSize (default: 65000)
MaxStrSize (default: 65000)
Since users can override the set values with environment vari-
ables, it is unwise to change them from their defaults except in
unusual cases.
The sizes for Icon's main interpreter stack and co-expression
stacks also can be set:
MStackSize (default: 10000)
StackSize (default: 2000)
As for the block and string storage regions, it is unwise to
change the default values except in unusual cases.
Finally, with fixed-regions storage management, a list used
for pointers to strings during garbage collection, can be sized:
- 18 -
QualLstSize (default: 5000)
Like the sizes above, this one normally is best left unchanged.
Dynamic hashing:
Four parameters configure the implementation of tables and
HSlots Initial number of hash buckets; it must be a
power of 2
HSegs Maximum number of hash bucket segments
MaxHLoad Maximum allowable loading factor
MinHLoad Minimum loading factor for new structures
The default values (listed below) are appropriate for most
systems. If you want to change the values, read the discussion
that follows.
Every set or table starts with HSlots hash buckets, using one
bucket segment. When the average hash bucket exceeds MaxHLoad
entries, the number of buckets is doubled and one more segment is
consumed. This repeats until HSegs segments are in use; after
that, structure still grows but no more hash buckets are added.
MinHLoad is used only when copying a set or table or when
creating a new set through the intersection, union, or difference
of two other sets. In these cases a new set may be more lightly
loaded than otherwise, but never less than MinHLoad if it exceeds
a single bucket segment.
For all machines, the default load factors are 5 for MaxHLoad
and 1 for MinHLoad. Because splitting or combining buckets
halves or doubles the load factor, MinHLoad should be no more
than half MaxHLoad. The average number of elements in a hash
bucket over the life of a structure is about 2/3xMaxHLoad, assum-
ing the structure is not so huge as to be limited by HSegs.
Increasing MaxHLoad delays the creation of new hash buckets,
reducing memory demands at the expense of increased search times.
It has no effect on the memory requirements of minimally-sized
HSlots and HSegs interact to determine the minimum size of a
structure and its maximum efficient capacity. The size of an
empty set or table is directly related to HSegs+HSlots; smaller
values of these parameters reduce the memory needs of programs
using many small structures. Doubling HSlots delays the onset of
the first structure reorganization until twice as many elements
have been inserted. It also doubles the capacity of a structure,
as does increasing HSegs by 1.
- 19 -
The maximum number of hash buckets is HSlotsx(2^(HSegs-1)). A
structure can be considered ``full'' when it contains MaxHLoad
times that many entries; beyond that, lookup times gradually
increase as more elements are added. Until a structure becomes
full, the values of HSlots and HSegs do not affect lookup times.
For machines with 16-bit ints, the defaults are 4 for HSlots
and 6 for HSegs. Sets and tables grow from 4 hash buckets to a
maximum of 128, and become full at 640 elements. For other
machines, the defaults are 8 for HSlots and 10 for HSegs. Sets
and tables grow from 8 hash buckets to a maximum of 4096, and
become full at 20480 elements.
Memory monitoring: The number of bytes for reporting block sizes
in allocation history files produced by memory monitoring [6] is
determined by
MMUnits (default: WordSize)
A smaller value may be needed if the size of any block in Icon's
allocated block region is not an even multiple of WordSize. This
occurs, for example, on computers with 80-bit (1-1/2 word)
floating-point numbers, in which case the value of MMUnits should
be defined to be 2.
Clock Rate: Hz defines the units returned by the times() function
call. Check the man page for this function on your system. If it
says that times are returned in terms of 1/60 second, no action
is needed. Otherwise, define Hz in define.h to be the number of
times() units in one second.
The man page may refer you to an additional file such as
/usr/include/sys/param.h. If so, check the value there, and
define Hz accordingly.
Executable Images: If you have a BSD UNIX system and want to
enable the function save(s), which allows an executable image of
a running Icon program to be saved [9], add
#define ExecImages
to define.h.
External functions and calling Icon from C: Version 8 of Icon
provides a mechanism for calling C functions from Icon programs
[10]. Such functions are called external functions. The mechan-
ism for calling C functions from Icon normally is enabled. It
can be disabled by adding
#define NoExternalFunctions
to define.h.
It also is possible to call an Icon program from C [10]. This
- 20 -
feature normally is disabled. It can be enabled by adding
#define IconCalling
to define.h.
The ability to call an Icon program from C is incompatible
with executable images. If ExecImages is defined, IconCalling has
no effect.
Large integers: Version 8 of Icon supports arithmetic on integers
of arbitrarily large magnitude. This features increases the size
of iconx by 15-20%. It may be disabled by adding
#define NoLargeInts
to define.h.
Co-expressions: The implementation of co-expressions requires an
assembly-language routine. Initially, define.h contains
#define NoCoexpr
This definition disables co-expressions. Leave this definition
in for the first round, although you may want to remove it later
and implement these features (see Step 7).
Step_3:_Makefile Headers
The file icont.hdr provides headers for Makefiles in the
source directories src/common, src/icont and src/memmon. The
file iconx.hdr provides a header for the Makefile in src/iconx.
These headers are prepended to the standard bodies for the
Makefiles during configuration.
These headers serve to specify flags for cc(1) and ld(1) via
CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, and LIBS. If your C optimizer is robust, you
may wish to start with
in all these headers. If you encounter problems during testing,
suspect your optimizer first and try compiling Icon without the
-O flag.
Other cc and ld flags vary considerably from system to system.
You may want to review your local manual pages for these proces-
sors and look at the header files in the other configuration
LIBS is provided in case you need to load system routines
after everything else in the ld step.
There another definition in iconx.hdr, RSWITCH, which depends
- 21 -
on whether the local co-expression context switch is written in C
or assembly language. The initial value of this definition is
rswitch.c and a dummy C routine is provided. To start out, leave
this definition as it is; the default routine can be replaced
later. See Step 7.
The file pi.hdr provides a header for the personalized inter-
preter Makefile (which is named Pimakefile). In addition to the
usual cc and ld flags, you should provide definitions for XCFLAGS
and XLDFLAGS that are the same as those for CFLAGS and LDFLAGS in
icont.hdr. This assures that the header file in the personalized
interpreter is the same size as the one in the regular version of
The file vt.hdr provides a header for the variant translator
Makefile (which is named Vtmake2). It should have the same cc and
ld flags as icont.hdr.
Once you have edited the files as described in the previous
steps, proceed with the installation as described in Steps 5
through 9 at the beginning of Section 2. You may need to iterate
if problems show up. If you make a change in a configuration
file after a compilation, be sure to perform the configuration
step again; some aspects of the configuration are far-reaching
and not obvious.
Note: The configuration system is designed to avoid the need
for modifications to the distributed source code for Version 8.
However, you may run into problems that require modifications to
the source code itself. If you need to modify the source code,
do it under the control of conditional compilation keyed to the
name of your system. Add
#define NAME
to define.h, where NAME is an all-uppercase name that identifies
your system. For example, the define.h for Sun Workstations con-
#define SUN
Then use
#ifdef NAME
#endif /* NAME */
or similar constructions where you need local source-code modifi-
cations. For example, this technique can be used to handle the
- 22 -
problem that may arise with SysTime, described in Step 2. Note
that nested #ifdefs may be needed in places where there are
several different local modifications.
It is important to be consistent and careful about the use of
such conditional compilations; if done properly, your modifica-
tions can be backed into the master version of the source code at
the Icon Project and will be in place for you when subsequent
versions are released. See Step 11.
If you need to add C functions to your implementation, put
them in tlocal.c for icont and in rlocal.c for iconx.
More testing is recommended for a new installation than for
one that has been successfully installed elsewhere. You should do
Step 10 at the beginning of Section 2:
make Test-all
The code to check integer overflow in iconx is written in C.
Some improvement in performance may be obtained by replacing this
C code by assembly-language code. This is entirely optional. If
you want to do it, add
#define AsmOver
to define.h and provide assembly-language routines add(), sub(),
mul(), and neg() using the corresponding C routines at the end of
rmisc.c as examples.
If your C compiler supports the asm directive, place your code
in rlocal.c in the UNIX section under control of an appropriate
defined symbol that identifies your system. If you need to
define such a symbol, place the definition is define.h.
Once Icon is working properly, you may wish to implement co-
expressions. Note: If your system does not allow the C stack to
be at an arbitrary place in memory, there is probably little hope
of implementing co-expressions. If you do not implement co-
expressions, the only effect will be that Icon programs that
attempt to use co-expressions will terminate with an error mes-
All aspects of co-expression creation and activation are writ-
ten in C in Version 8 except for a routine, coswitch, that is
needed for context switching. This routine requires assembly
language, since it must manipulate hardware registers. It either
- 23 -
can be written as a C routine with asm directives or as an assem-
bly language routine.
When a new configuration directory is set up, a file rswitch.c
is provided with a version of coswitch that results in error ter-
mination if an Icon program attempts to activate a co-expression.
If you implement coswitch in C, modify rswitch.c. Alternatively,
if you implement coswitch in assembly language, place it in a new
file, rswitch.s.
Calls to the context switch have the form
coswitch(old_cs,new_cs,first), where old_cs is a pointer to an
array of words that contain C state information for the current
co-expression, new_cs is a pointer to an array of words that hold
C state information for a co-expression to be activated, and
first is 1 or 0, depending on whether or not the new co-
expression has or has not been activated before. The zeroth ele-
ment of a C state array always contains the hardware stack
pointer (sp) for that co-expression. The other elements can be
used to save any C frame pointers and any other registers your C
compiler expects to be preserved across calls.
The default size of the array for the C state is 15. This
number may be changed by adding
#define CStateSize n
to define.h, where n is the number of elements needed.
The first thing coswitch does is to save the current pointers
and registers in the old_cs array. Then it tests first. If first
is zero, coswitch sets sp from new_cs[0], clears the C frame
pointers, and calls interp. If first is not zero, it loads the
(previously saved) sp, C frame pointers, and registers from
new_cs and returns.
Written in C, coswitch has the form:
- 24 -
* coswitch
coswitch(old_cs, new_cs, first)
long *old_cs, *new_cs;
int first;
/* save sp, frame pointers, and other registers in old_cs */
if (first == 0) { /* this is first activation */
/* load sp from new_cs[0] and clear frame pointers */
interp(0, 0);
syserr("interp() returned in coswitch");
else {
/* load sp, frame pointers, and other registers from new_cs */
Appendix B contains a listing of coswitch for a VAX running BSD.
Other examples are contained in the configuration directories in
After you implement coswitch, remove the #define NoCoexpr from
define.h and replace rswitch.c or rswitch.s in your configuration
directory as described above. The configuration process will
copy your file to the appropriate place prior to compilation. If
you use rswitch.s, change the definition of RSWITCH in iconx.hdr
If your assembler requires special flags, add an appropriate
definition for OFLAGS to iconx.hdr.
- 25 -
To test your context switch,
make Test-coexpr
Ideally, there should be no differences in the comparison of out-
If you have trouble with your context switch, the first thing
to do is double-check the registers that your C compiler expects
to be preserved across calls - different C compilers on the same
computer may have different requirements.
Another possible source of problems is built-in stack check-
ing. Co-expressions rely on being able to specify an arbitrary
region of memory for the C stack. If your C compiler generates
code for stack probes that expects the C stack to be at a
specific location, you may need to disable this code (via a C
compiler option) or replace it with something more appropriate.
The personalized interpreter system uses ar(1). On most UNIX
systems, it is necessary to use ranlib(1) so that the loader can
access the archive. The script Ranlib that is provided when a new
configuration directory is initialized contains calls of ranlib
for this purpose.
Some UNIX systems, notably System V, handle this problem
directly in ar(1) and do not have ranlib(1). If your system does
not use ranlib(1), change Ranlib to an empty script by
echo "" >Ranlib
in your configuration directory.
Test your personalized interpreter system as described in Sec-
tion 2.3.
Normally no work is needed for variant translators on a newly
configured system. Test them as described in Section 2.4.
Normally no work is needed for memory monitoring on a newly
configured system. Test it as described in Section 2.5.
Run the benchmarks as described in Section 2.6.
- 26 -
Each configuration directory contains a file named status that
describes the state of the configuration. A placeholder is pro-
vided when a new configuration directory is set up. When your
configuration is complete, edit status appropriately, using a
status file in another configuration directory as a model.
When your newly installed system is complete, send a copy of
any files you modified (both in your configuration directory and
in the source code, if changes there were necessary) to the Icon
Project as given in Section 4.
Your changes will be added to the master Icon system and will
be available in future releases of Icon.
Files can be sent on any convenient medium, such as MS-DOS
diskettes or magnetic tape in tar or cpio format. Electronic mail
also can be used.
If you run into problems with the installation of Version 8 of
Icon, contact the Icon Project:
Icon Project
Department of Computer Science
Gould-Simpson Building
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
(602) 621-4049
icon-project@cs.arizona.edu (Internet)
... {uunet, allegra, noao}!arizona!icon-project (uucp)
Please also let us know if you have any suggestions for
improvements to the installation process or corrections or
refinements to configuration files for supported systems.
1. R. E. Griswold, Installation Guide for Version 8 of Icon on
UNIX Systems, The Univ. of Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-2, 1990.
2. R. E. Griswold, Transporting Version 8 of Icon, The Univ. of
Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-5, 1990.
- 27 -
3. R. E. Griswold, The Icon Program Library, The Univ. of
Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-7, 1990.
4. R. E. Griswold, Personalized Interpreters for Version 8 of
Icon, The Univ. of Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-3, 1990.
5. R. E. Griswold and K. Walker, Variant Translators for
Version 8 of Icon, The Univ. of Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-4,
6. G. M. Townsend, The Icon Memory Monitoring System, The Univ.
of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD113, 1990.
7. Technical Committee X3J11, Draft Proposed American National
Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language C,
8. R. E. Griswold, ICONT(1), manual page for UNIX Programmer's
Manual, The Univ. of Arizona Icon Project Document IPD109,
9. R. E. Griswold, Version 8 of Icon, The Univ. of Arizona
Tech. Rep. 90-1, 1990.
10. R. E. Griswold, Icon-C Calling Interfaces, The Univ. of
Arizona Tech. Rep. 90-8, 1990.
- 28 -
Appendix A - Supported Configurations
Asterisks make ``supported'' configurations that have been
tested under Version 7.5 or 8.
computer UNIX system name
Amdahl UTS amdahl_uts
Apollo Workstation* BSD domain_bsd
Astronautics ZS-1 UNIX zs1
AT&T 3B1 (UNIX PC) System III unixpc
AT&T 3B2 System V att3b_2
AT&T 3B5 System V att3b_5
AT&T 3B15 System V att3b_15
AT&T 3B20 System V att3b_20
AT&T 3B4000 System V att3b_4000
AT&T 6386 System V att6386
CDC Cyber NOS/VE cdc_vxve
Celerity 4.2BSD celerity_bsd
Codata 3400 Unisis codata
Convergent MegaFrame CTIX mega
Convex C-1/2 BSD convex_bsd
Cray-2 UNICOS Cray-2
DecStation 3100* Ultrix dec_3100
DG AViiON* System V aviion
DIAB D-NIX diab_dnix
Elxsi-6400* BSD elxsi_bsd
Encore UMAX multimax_bsd
Gould Powernode UTX gould_pn
HP 9000/330* HP-UX hp9000_s300
HP 9000/500 HP-UX hp9000_s500
HP 9000/800 HP-US hp9000_s800
IBM PS/2 AIX ps2_aix
IBM RT Workstation ACIS rtpc_acis
IBM RT Workstation AIX rtpc_aix
Intel 286* XENIX 286 i286_xenix
Intel 386* System V i386_sysv
Intel 386* XENIX 386 i386_xenix
Iris 4D/20* BSD iris4d
Intergraph Clipper System V clix
Masscomp 5500 System V masscomp
Microport V/AT System V microport
MIPS/r3000* System V mips
Motorola 8000/400 System V mot_8000
Multifow Trace UNIX trace
NeXT* Mach next
Plexus P60 System V plexus
Pyramid 90x 4.2BSD pyramid_bsd
Ridge 32 ROS ridge
Sequent Balance 8000 Dynix balance_dynix2
Sequent Symmetry* Dynix symmetry
Siemens MX500 SINIX mx_sinix
Sun 2 Workstation SunOS sun2
- 29 -
Sun 3 Workstation* SunOS sun3
Sun 3 with 68881 SunOS sun3_68881
Sun 386i SunOS sun386i
Sun 4 Workstation* SunOS sun4
Unisys 7000/40 4.3BSD tahoe_bsd
VAX-11 4.1BSD vax_41_bsd
VAX-11* 4.2BSD and 4.3BSDvax_bsd
VAX-11 System V vax_sysv
VAX-11 Ultrix vax_ultrix
VAX-11 9th Edition vax_v9
- 30 -
Appendix B - A Sample Co-Expression Context Switch
The co-expression context switch for a VAX running BSD is:
coswitch(old_cs, new_cs, first)
int *old_cs, *new_cs;
int first;
asm(" movl 4(ap),r0");
asm(" movl 8(ap),r1");
asm(" movl sp,0(r0)");
asm(" movl fp,4(r0)");
asm(" movl ap,8(r0)");
asm(" movl r11,16(r0)");
asm(" movl r10,20(r0)");
asm(" movl r9,24(r0)");
asm(" movl r8,28(r0)");
asm(" movl r7,32(r0)");
asm(" movl r6,36(r0)");
if (first == 0) { /* this is first activation */
asm(" movl 0(r1),sp");
asm(" clrl fp");
asm(" clrl ap");
interp(0, 0);
syserr("interp() returned in coswitch");
- 31 -